General: |
No. of submissions | 53 | |
No. of accepted papers | 28 | |
% of accepted papers | 52.8% | |
Total No. of authors | 49 | |
Avg. No. of authors per paper | 1.75 | |
No. of countries represented | 10 | |
No. of papers according to how many authors work in Latin-America |
At least one | 11 | (39.3%) |
All | 9 | (32.1%) |
Statistics by Country of Author's Affiliation |
Authors* | | Papers** | | |
11.0 | (22.4%) | | 6.00 | (21.4%) | | France |
10.0 | (20.4%) | | 5.00 | (17.9%) | | Brazil |
8.0 | (16.3%) | | 4.67 | (16.7%) | | USA |
6.0 | (12.2%) | | 4.50 | (16.1%) | | Germany |
5.0 | (10.2%) | | 3.00 | (10.7%) | | Chile |
3.0 | (6.1%) | | 1.50 | (5.4%) | | Australia |
2.0 | (4.1%) | | 1.50 | (5.4%) | | Argentina |
2.0 | (4.1%) | | 1.00 | (3.6%) | | Canada |
1.0 | (2.0%) | | 0.50 | (1.8%) | | Uruguay |
1.0 | (2.0%) | | 0.33 | (1.2%) | | Israel |
* Authors with n affiliations contributes 1/n to each affiliation.
** Papers with n authors contribute 1/n to each affiliation.
* Authors with n affiliations contributes 1/n to each affiliation.
** Papers with n authors contribute 1/n to each affiliation.
Australia & Asia
France |
Bassino, Frédérique;
Béal, Marie-Pierre;
Bedon, Nicolas;
Carton, Olivier;
Finkel, Alain;
Fribourg, Laurent;
Perrin, Dominique;
Pin, Jean-Eric;
Reed, Bruce;
Sagot, Marie-France;
Schnoebelen, Ph.;
Germany |
Dahlhaus, Elias;
Damaschke, Peter;
Jansen, Klaus;
Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm;
Terán Martinez, Gabriel;
von zur Gathen, Joachim;
Argentina |
Feuerstein, Esteban;
Gutierrez, Marisa;
Brazil |
de Figueiredo, Celina M. H.;
Faria, Luerbio;
Gomide, Anamaria;
Lee, Orlando;
Meidanis, Joao;
Peixoto Veloso, Marcos;
Pereira do Lago, Alair;
Stolfi, Jorge;
Wakabayashi, Yoshiko;
Xavier de Mendonça Neto, Candido Ferreira;
Chile |
Baeza-Yates, Ricardo;
Hevia, Alejandro;
Kiwi, Marcos;
Navarro, Gonzalo;
Uruguay |
Viola, Alfredo;
Middle East
USA & Canada
Canada |
Molloy, Michael;
Panario, Daniel;
Abello, James;
Broder, Andrei Z.;
Fernández-Baca, David;
Frieze, Alan M.;
Gansner, Emden R.;
Gutiérrez, Claudio;
Randall, Dana;
Tetali, Prasad;