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Claudio Lucchesi, U. Campinas, Brazil (chair)
Arnaldo Moura, U. Campinas, Brazil (chair)

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  Program Committee

Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Univ. of Chile, Chile
Valmir Barbosa, UFRJ, Brazil
Richard Beigel, Yale U., USA
Christian Choffrut, , France
Vasek Chvatal, Rutgres Univ., USA
Volker Diekert, , Germany
Peter Eades, , Australia
Herbert Edelsbrunner, Urbana-Champaign, USA
Juan Garay, CWI/IBM, Netherlands/USA
Oscar Garrido, Lund/UPB, Sweden/Bolivia
Eric Goles, Univ. of Chile, Chile
Jozef Gruska, , Slovakia
Katia Guimaraes, UFPE, Brazil
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, USP, Brazil
Claudio Lucchesi (Chair), UNICAMP, Brazil
Arnaldo Moura (Vice-chair), UNICAMP, Brazil
Gene Myers, , USA
Bruce Reed, CNRS/Paris VI, France
Alexander Schrijver, CWI, Netherlands
Peter Shor, AT&T, USA
Imre Simon, USP, Brazil
Janos Simon, Chicago, Brazil/USA
Jayme Szwarcfiter, UFRJ, Brazil
Eli Upfal, Weizmann/IBM, Israel/USA
Jorge Urrutia, , Canada
Nivio Ziviani, UFMG, Brazil

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  Organizing Committee

Ricardo de O. Anido, Ariadne M.B.R. de Carvalho, Ricardo Dahab, Tomasz Kowaltowski, Cândido F.X. de Mendonça Neto, Jorge Stolfi, Arnaldo Moura (Co-Chair), Cláudio L. Lucchesi (Chair),

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  Invited Speakers

Noga Alon (Tel Aviv Univ.), Spectral Techniques in Graph Algorithms
Richard Beigel (Lehigh Univ.), The Geometry of Browsing
Gilles Brassard (Univ. of Montréal), Quantum Cryptanalysis of Hash and Claw-Free Functions
Herbert Edelsbrunner (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Shape Reconstruction with Delaunay Complex
Juan A. Garay (IBM, Yorktown Heights), Batch Verification with Applications to Cryptography and Checking

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Daniel Panario and Alfredo Viola, Analysis of Rabin's Polynomial Irreducability Test. [Bibtex]

Peter Damaschke, A Chip Search Problem on Binary Numbers. [Bibtex]

Esteban Feuerstein, Uniform Service System with \(k\) Servers. [Bibtex]

David Fernández-Baca, Faster Non-linear Parametric Search with Applications to Optimazation and Dynamic Geometry. [Bibtex]

Frédérique Bassino, Marie-Pierre Béal and Dominique Perrin, Super-State Automata and Rational Trees. [Bibtex]

Nicolas Bedon and Olivier Carton, An Eilenberg Theorem for Words on Countable Ordinals. [Bibtex]

Alair Pereira do Lago, Maximal Groups in Free Burnside Semigroups. [Bibtex]

Jean-Eric Pin, Positive Varieties and Infinite Words. [Bibtex]

Marcos Peixoto Veloso and Laurent Fribourg, Unfolding Parametric Automata. [Bibtex]

Alain Finkel and Ph. Schnoebelen, Fundamental Structures in Well-Structured Infinite Transition Systems. [Bibtex]

Herbert Edelsbrunner, Shape Reconstruction with Delaunay Complex. [Bibtex]

Anamaria Gomide and Jorge Stolfi, Bases for Non-homogeneous Polynomial \(C_k\) Splines on the Sphere. [Bibtex]

Luerbio Faria, Celina M. H. de Figueiredo and Candido Ferreira Xavier de Mendonça Neto, The Splitting Number of the 4-Cube. [Bibtex]

James Abello and Emden R. Gansner, Short and Smooth Polygonal Paths. [Bibtex]

Gilles Brassard, Peter Høyer and Alain Tapp, Quantum Cryptanalysis of Hash and Claw-Free Functions. [Bibtex]

Mihir Bellare, Juan A. Garay and Tal Rabin, Batch Verification with Applications to Cryptography and Checking. [Bibtex]

Alejandro Hevia and Marcos Kiwi, Strength of Two Data Encryption Standard Implementations under Timing Attacks. [Bibtex]

Noga Alon, Spectral Techniques in Graph Algorithms. [Bibtex]

Michael Molloy and Bruce Reed, Colouring Graphs whose Chromatic Number Is Almost Their Maximum Degree. [Bibtex]

Orlando Lee and Yoshiko Wakabayashi, Circuit Covers in Series-Parallel Mixed Graphs. [Bibtex]

Elias Dahlhaus, A Linear Time Algorithm to Recognize Clustered Graphs and Its Parallelization. [Bibtex]

Klaus Jansen, A New Characterization for Parity Graphs and a Coloring Problem with Costs. [Bibtex]

Marisa Gutierrez and Joao Meidanis, On the Clique Operator. [Bibtex]

Andrei Z. Broder, Alan M. Frieze and Eli Upfal, Dynamic Packet Routing on Arrays with Bounded Buffers. [Bibtex]

Alan Roberts and Antonios Symvonis, On-Line Matching Routing on Trees. [Bibtex]

Dana Randall and Prasad Tetali, Analyzing Glauber Dynamics by Comparison of Markov Chains. [Bibtex]

Joachim von zur Gathen and Igor Shparlinski, The CREW PRAM Complexity of Modular Inversion. [Bibtex]

Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide and Gabriel Terán Martinez, Communication-Efficient Parallel Multiway and Approximate Minimum Cut Computation. [Bibtex]

Richard Beigel and Egemen Tanin, The Geometry of Browsing. [Bibtex]

Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Gonzalo Navarro, Fast Two-Dimensional Approximate Pattern Matching. [Bibtex]

Gonzalo Navarro, Improved Approximate Pattern Matching on Hypertext. [Bibtex]

Claudio Gutiérrez, Solving Equations in Strings: On Makanin's Algorithm. [Bibtex]

Marie-France Sagot, Spelling Approximate Repeated or Common Motifs Using a Suffix Tree. [Bibtex]

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FAPESP (State of São Paulo Funding Agency)
CNPQ (Brazilian Concil for Scientific and Technological Development)
CAPES Foundation (Brazilian Ministry of Education)
FAEP Foundation (University of Campinas)
Institute of Computing (University of Campinas)

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The conference was held at the Universidade de Campinas, which is located in Campinas, Brazil.

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No. of submissions 53
No. of accepted papers 28
% of accepted papers 52.8%
Total No. of authors 49
Avg. No. of authors per paper 1.75
No. of countries represented 10
No. of papers according to how many authors work in Latin-America
    At least one 11(39.3%)
    All 9(32.1%)

Statistics by Country of Author's Affiliation



Authors with n affiliations contributes 1/n to each affiliation.
** Papers with n authors contribute 1/n to each affiliation.

Statistics by Region of Author's Affiliation


10.0(20.4%)5.67(20.2%)USA & Canada
3.0(6.1%)1.50(5.4%)Australia & Asia
1.0(2.0%)0.33(1.2%)Middle East

Authors with n affiliations contributes 1/n to each affiliation.
** Papers with n authors contribute 1/n to each affiliation.

Australia & Asia

Australia Roberts, Alan; Shparlinski, Igor; Symvonis, Antonios;


France Bassino, Frédérique; Béal, Marie-Pierre; Bedon, Nicolas; Carton, Olivier; Finkel, Alain; Fribourg, Laurent; Perrin, Dominique; Pin, Jean-Eric; Reed, Bruce; Sagot, Marie-France; Schnoebelen, Ph.;
Germany Dahlhaus, Elias; Damaschke, Peter; Jansen, Klaus; Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm; Terán Martinez, Gabriel; von zur Gathen, Joachim;


Argentina Feuerstein, Esteban; Gutierrez, Marisa;
Brazil de Figueiredo, Celina M. H.; Faria, Luerbio; Gomide, Anamaria; Lee, Orlando; Meidanis, Joao; Peixoto Veloso, Marcos; Pereira do Lago, Alair; Stolfi, Jorge; Wakabayashi, Yoshiko; Xavier de Mendonça Neto, Candido Ferreira;
Chile Baeza-Yates, Ricardo; Hevia, Alejandro; Kiwi, Marcos; Navarro, Gonzalo;
Uruguay Viola, Alfredo;

Middle East

Israel Upfal, Eli;

USA & Canada

Canada Molloy, Michael; Panario, Daniel;
USA Abello, James; Broder, Andrei Z.; Fernández-Baca, David; Frieze, Alan M.; Gansner, Emden R.; Gutiérrez, Claudio; Randall, Dana; Tetali, Prasad;

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