Alfredo Viola,
Universidad de la República, Uruguay (chair)
[All LATIN Chairs]
Program Committee
R. Baeza-Yates, Yahoo! Labs, USA
J. Barbay, U. Chile, Chile
M. Bender, Stony Brook U., USA
J. Boyar, U. Southern Denmark, Denmark
V. Dujmović, Carleton U., Canada
L. Epstein, U. Haifa, Israel
C.G. Fernandes, U. São Paulo, Brazil
M. Fernández, King's College London, UK
J. von zur Gathen, U. Bonn, Germany
G. Gonnet, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
M. Kiwi, U. Chile, Chile
Y. Kohayakawa, U. São Paulo, Brazil
E. Kranakis, Carleton U., Canada
R. Kumar, Google, USA
A. Lubiw, U. Waterloo, Canada
C. Martínez, UPC Barcelona, Spain
E. Mayordomo, U. Zaragoza, Spain
M. Molinaro, Carnegie Mellon U., USA
R. Motz, U. de la República, Uruguay
L. Moura, U. Ottawa, Canada
D. Panario, Carleton U., Canada
S. Rajsbaum, UNAM, Mexico
T. Rezk, INRIA, France
A. Richa, Arizona State U., USA
J. Sakarovitch, CNRS / ENST, France
N. Schabanel, CNRS / U. Paris Diderot, France
R.I. Silveira, UPC Barcelona, Spain
J.A. Soto, U. Chile, Chile
M. Strauss, U. Michigan, USA
V. Trevisan, UFRGS, Brazil
J. Urrutia, UNAM, Mexico
T. Uustalu, Tallinn U. of Technology, Estonia
B. Vallée, CNRS / U. Caen, France
A. Viola (Chair), U. de la República, Uruguay
S. Zanella-Béguelin, Microsoft Research, USA
Organizing Committee
Guillermo Calderón,
U. de la República
Javier Molina,
Laura Molina,
Alberto Pardo (chair),
U. de la República
Alfonsina Pastori,
[All LATIN Org. Committees]
Invited Speakers
Ronitt Rubinfeld
(MIT), Something for Almost Nothing: Advances in Sub-linear Time Algorithms
Linear-time algorithms have long been considered the gold
standard of computational endciency. Indeed, it is hard to imagine doing
better than that, since for a nontrivial problem, any algorithm must
consider all of the input in order to make a decision. However, as extremely
large data sets are pervasive, it is natural to wonder what one
can do in sub-linear time. Over the past two decades, several surprising
advances have been made on designing such algorithms. We will give a
non-exhaustive survey of this emerging area, highlighting recent progress
and directions for further research.
Gilles Barthe
(IMDEA Software Institute), Computer-Aided Cryptographic Proofs
EasyCrypt [6] is a computer-assisted
framework for reasoning about the security of cryptographic
constructions, using the methods and tools of provable security, and
more specifically of the game-based techniques. The core of
EasyCrypt is a relational program logic for a core
probabilistic programming language with sequential composition,
conditionals, loops, procedure calls, assignments and sampling from
discrete distributions. The relational program logic is key to capture
reductionist arguments that arise in cryptographic proofs. It is
complemented by a (standard, non-relational) program logic that allows
to reason about the probability of events in the execution of
probabilistic programs; this program logic allows for instance to
upper bound the probability of failure events, that are pervasive in
game-based cryptographic proofs. In combination, these logics capture
general reasoning principles in cryptography and have been used to
verify the security of emblematic constructions, including the
Full-Domain Hash signature [8],
the Optimal Asymmetric Encryption
Padding (OAEP) [7], hash
function designs [3] and zero-knowledge
protocols [5, 1].
Yet, these logics can only capture instances of
general principles, and lack mechanisms for stating and proving these
general principles once and for all, and then for instantiating them
as needed. To overcome this limitation, we have recently
extended EasyCrypt with programming language mechanisms
such as modules and type classes. Modules provide support for
composition of cryptographic proofs, and for formalizing hybrid
arguments, whereas type classes are convenient to model and reason
about algebraic structures. Together, these extensions significantly
expand the class of examples that can be addressed
with EasyCrypt . For instance, we have used the latest
version of EasyCrypt to verify the security of a class of
authenticated key exchange protocols, and of a secure function
evaluation protocol based on garbled circuits and oblivious transfer.
Our current work explores two complementary directions. On the one
hand, we are extending the EasyCrypt infrastructure in
order to derive security guarantees about implementations of
cryptographic constructions. Indeed, practical attacks often target
specific implementations and exploit some characteristics that are not
considered in typical provable security proofs; as a consequence,
several widely used implementations of provably secure schemes are
vulnerable to attacks. In order to narrow the gap between provable
security and implementations, we are extending EasyCrypt
with support to reason about C-like implementations, and use the
CompCert verified C compiler
( to
carry the security guarantees down to executable implementations
[2]. On the other hand, we are developing specialized formalisms to
reason about the security of particular classes of constructions. For
instance, we have recently developed the ZooCrypt framework [4], which
supports automated analysis of chosen-plaintext and chosen
ciphertext-security for public-key encryption schemes built from
(partial-domain) one-way trapdoor permutations and random
oracles. Using ZooCrypt , we have analyzed over a million
(automatically generated) schemes, including many schemes from the
literature. For chosen-plaintext security, ZooCrypt is able to report
in nearly 99% of the cases a proof of security with a concrete
security bound, or an attack. We are currently extending our approach
to reason about encryption schemes based on Diffie-Hellmann groups and
bilinear pairings, both in the random oracle and in the standard
models. More information about the project is available from the
project web page
1. Almeida, J.B., Barbosa, M., Bangerter, E., Barthe,
G., Krenn, S., Zanella-Bé́guelin, S.: Full proof cryptography:
verifiable compilation of efficient zero-knowledge protocols. In: 19th
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. ACM (2012)
2. Almeida, J.B., Barbosa, M., Barthe, G., Dupressoir,
F.: Certified computer-aided cryptography: efficient provably secure
machine code from high-level implementations. In: ACM Conference on
Computer and Communications Security. ACM (2013)
3. Backes, M., Barthe, G., Berg, M., Grégoire,
B., Skoruppa, M., Zanella-Béguelin, S.: Verified security of
Merkle-Damgård. In: IEEE Computer Security Foundations. ACM
4. Barthe, G., Crespo, J.M., Grégoire, B., Kunz,
C., Lakhnech, Y., Schmidt, B., Zanella-Béguelin, S.: Automated
analysis and synthesis of padding-based encryption schemes. In: ACM
Conference on Computer and Communications Security. ACM (2013)
5. Barthe, G., Grégoire, B., Hedin, D., Heraud,
S., Zanella-Béguelin, S.: A MachineChecked Formalization of
Sigma-Protocols. In: IEEE Computer Security Foundations. ACM (2010)
6. Barthe, G., Grégoire, B., Heraud, S.,
Zanella-Béguelin, S.: Computer-aided security proofs for the
working cryptographer. In: Rogaway, P. (ed.) CRYPTO 2011. LNCS,
vol. 6841, pp. 71–90. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)
7. Barthe, G., Grégoire, B., Lakhnech, Y.,
Zanella-Béguelin, S.: Beyond Provable Security Verifiable
IND-CCA Security of OAEP. In: Kiayias, A. (ed.) CT-RSA 2011. LNCS,
vol. 6558, pp. 180–196. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)
8. Zanella-Béguelin, S., Barthe, G.,
Grégoire, B., Olmedo, F.: Formally certifying the security of
digital signature schemes. In: IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.
IEEE Computer Society (2009)
Robert Sedgewick
(Princeton), “If You Can Specify It, You Can Analyze It” — The Lasting Legacy of Philippe Flajolet
The “Flajolet School” of the analysis of algorithms and combinatorial
structures is centered on an effective calculus, known as analytic
combinatorics, for the development of mathematical models that are
sufficiently accurate and precise that they can be validated through
scientific experimentation. It is based on the generating function as
the central object of study, first as a formal object that can
translate a specification into mathematical equations, then as an
analytic object whose properties as a function in the complex plane
yield the desired quantitative results. Universal laws of sweeping
generality can be proven within the framework, and easily
applied. Standing on the shoulders of Cauchy, Polya, de Bruijn, Knuth,
and many others, Philippe Flajolet and scores of collaborators
developed this theory and demonstrated its effectiveness in a broad
range of scientific applications. Flajolet's legacy is a vibrant field
of research that holds the key not just to understanding the
properties of algorithms and data structures, but also to
understanding the properties of discrete structures that arise as
models in all fields of science. This talk will survey Flajolet's
story and its implications for future research.
“A man … endowed with an an exuberance of imagination which puts
it in his power to establish and populate a universe of his own creation”.
Gonzalo Navarro
(University of Chile), Encoding Data Structures
Classical data structures can be regarded as additional information
that is stored on top of the raw data in order to speed up some kind
of queries. Some examples are the suffix tree to support pattern
matching in a text, the extra structures to support lowest common
ancestor queries on a tree, or precomputed shortest path information
on a graph.
Some data structures, however, can operate without accessing the
raw data. These are called encodings. Encodings are relevant when
they do not contain enough information to reproduce the raw data, but
just what is necessary to answer the desired queries (otherwise, any
data structure could be seen as an encoding, by storing a copy of the
raw data inside the structure).
Encodings are interesting because they can occupy much less space
than the raw data. In some cases the data itself is not interesting,
only the answers to the queries on it, and thus we can simply discard
the raw data and retain the encoding. In other cases, the data is used
only sporadically and can be maintained in secondary storage, while
the encoding is maintained in main memory, thus speeding up the most
relevant queries.
When the raw data is available, any computable query on it can be
answered with sufficient time. With encodings, instead, one faces a
novel fundamental question: what is the effective entropy of the data
with respect to a set of queries? That is, what is the minimum size
of an encoding that can answer those queries without accessing the
data? This question is related to Information Theory, but in a way
inextricably associated to the data structure: the point is not how
much information the data contains, but how much information is
conveyed by the queries. In addition, as usual, there is the issue of
how efficiently can be the queries answered depending on how much
space is used.
In this talk I will survey some classical and new encodings,
generally about preprocessing arrays \(A[1, n]\) so as to answer
queries on array intervals \([i, j]\) given at query time. I will
start with the classical range minimum queries (which is the minimum
value in \(A[i,j]\)?) which has a long history that culminated a
few years ago in an asymptotically space-optimal encoding of
\(2n+o(n)\) bits answering queries in constant time. Then I will
describe more recent (and partly open) problems such as finding the
second minimum in \(A[i, j]\), the \(k\) smallest values in
\(A[i, j]\), the \(k\)-th smallest value in \(A[i, j]\), the elements
that appear more than a fraction τ of the times in \(A[i, j]\),
etc. All these queries appear recurrently within other algorithmic
problems, and they have also direct application in data mining.
J. Ian Munro
(University of Waterloo), Succint Data Structures ... Not Just for Graphs
Succinct data structures are data representations that use
(nearly) the information theoretic minimum space, for the combinatorial
object they represent, while performing the necessary query operations
in constant (or nearly constant) time. So, for example, we can
represent a binary tree on n nodes in \(2n + o(n)\) bits, rather than the
“obvious” \(5n\) or so words, i.e. \(5n \lg(n)\) bits. Such a difference in memory
requirements can easily translate to major differences in runtime as a
consequence of the level of memory in which most of the data resides.
The field developed to a large extent because of applications in text indexing,
so there has been a major emphasis on trees and a secondary
emphasis on graphs in general; but in this talk we will draw attention to
a much broader collection of combinatorial structures for which succinct
structures have been developed. These will include sets, permutations,
functions, partial orders and groups, and yes, a bit on graphs.
[All LATIN Inv. Speakers]
Volker Diekert, Alexei G. Myasnikov and Armin Weiß, Conjugacy in Baumslag's Group, Generic Case Complexity, and Division in Power Circuits. [Bibtex]
Hélio B. Macêdo Filho, Raphael C. S. Machado and Celina M. H. de Figueiredo, Hierarchical Complexity of 2-Clique-Colouring Weakly Chordal Graphs and Perfect Graphs Having Cliques of Size at Least 3. [Bibtex]
Michael Lampis and Valia Mitsou, The Computational Complexity of the Game of Set and Its Theoretical Applications. [Bibtex]
José R. Correa, Laurent Feuilloley and José A. Soto, Independent and Hitting Sets of Rectangles Intersecting a Diagonal Line. [Bibtex]
Nikhil Bansal, Tjark Vredeveld and Ruben van der Zwaan, Approximating Vector Scheduling: Almost Matching Upper and Lower Bounds. [Bibtex]
Anja Rey and Jörg Rothe, False-Name Manipulation in Weighted Voting Games Is Hard for Probabilistic Polynomial Time. [Bibtex]
Martin Fürer, A Natural Generalization of Bounded Tree-Width and Bounded Clique-Width. [Bibtex]
Luis Barba, Prosenjit Bose and Stefan Langerman, Optimal Algorithms for Constrained 1-Center Problems. [Bibtex]
Panagiotis Cheilaris, Elena Khramtcova, Stefan Langerman and Evanthia Papadopoulou, A Randomized Incremental Approach for the Hausdorff Voronoi Diagram of Non-crossing Clusters. [Bibtex]
Prosenjit Bose and André van Renssen, Upper Bounds on the Spanning Ratio of Constrained Theta-Graphs. [Bibtex]
Sang-Won Bae, Matias Korman, Yoshio Okamoto and Haitao Wang, Computing the \(L_1\) Geodesic Diameter and Center of a Simple Polygon in Linear Time. [Bibtex]
Emilio Di Giacomo, Giuseppe Liotta and Fabrizio Montecchiani, The Planar Slope Number of Subcubic Graphs. [Bibtex]
Muhammad Jawaherul Alam, Michael A. Bekos, Michael Kaufmann, Philipp Kindermann, Stephen G. Kobourov and Alexander Wolff, Smooth Orthogonal Drawings of Planar Graphs. [Bibtex]
Stephane Durocher, Stefan Felsner, Saeed Mehrabi and Debajyoti Mondal, Drawing \(HV\)-Restricted Planar Graphs. [Bibtex]
Luca Castelli Aleardi, Éric Fusy and Anatolii Kostrygin, Periodic Planar Straight-Frame Drawings with Polynomial Resolution. [Bibtex]
Ines Klimann and Matthieu Picantin, A Characterization of Those Automata That Structurally Generate Finite Groups. [Bibtex]
Mikhail Barash and Alexander Okhotin, Linear Grammars with One-Sided Contexts and Their Automaton Representation. [Bibtex]
Edward Hermann Haeusler and Mauricio Ayala-Rincón, On the Computability of Relations on \(\lambda\)-Terms and Rice's Theorem - The Case of the Expansion Problem for Explicit Substitutions. [Bibtex]
Maurice Herlihy, Sergio Rajsbaum, Michel Raynal and Julien Stainer, Computing in the Presence of Concurrent Solo Executions. [Bibtex]
Tong-Wook Shinn and Tadao Takaoka, Combining All Pairs Shortest Paths and All Pairs Bottleneck Paths Problems. [Bibtex]
Toshimasa Ishii, Hirotaka Ono and Yushi Uno, (Total) Vector Domination for Graphs with Bounded Branchwidth. [Bibtex]
Martin Farach-Colton and Meng-Tsung Tsai, Computing the Degeneracy of Large Graphs. [Bibtex]
Rolf Klein, Christos Levcopoulos and Andrzej Lingas, Approximation Algorithms for the Geometric Firefighter and Budget Fence Problems. [Bibtex]
Sang-Sub Kim and Hee-Kap Ahn, An Improved Data Stream Algorithm for Clustering. [Bibtex]
Ran Duan, Approximation Algorithms for the Gromov Hyperbolicity of Discrete Metric Spaces. [Bibtex]
Stephane Durocher, Omrit Filtser, Robert Fraser, Ali D. Mehrabi and Saeed Mehrabi, A \((7/2)\)-Approximation Algorithm for Guarding Orthogonal Art Galleries with Sliding Cameras. [Bibtex]
Sourav Chakraborty, Rameshwar Pratap, Sasanka Roy and Shubhangi Saraf, Helly-Type Theorems in Property Testing. [Bibtex]
Matthias Englert, Nicolaos Matsakis and Marcin Mucha, New Bounds for Online Packing LPs. [Bibtex]
Binay K. Bhattacharya, Tsunehiko Kameda and Zhao Song, Improved Minmax Regret 1-Center Algorithms for Cactus Networks with c Cycles. [Bibtex]
Jurek Czyzowicz, Dariusz Dereniowski, Leszek Gasieniec, Ralf Klasing, Adrian Kosowski and Dominik Pajak, Collision-Free Network Exploration. [Bibtex]
Peter Allen, Julia Böttcher, Hiệp Hán, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa and Yury Person, Powers of Hamilton Cycles in Pseudorandom Graphs. [Bibtex]
Philippe Duchon and Romaric Duvignau, Local Update Algorithms for Random Graphs. [Bibtex]
Felipe De Campos Mesquita, Letícia Rodrigues Bueno and Rodrigo de Alencar Hausen, Odd Graphs Are Prism-Hamiltonian and Have a Long Cycle. [Bibtex]
Colin McDiarmid and Kerstin Weller, Relatively Bridge-Addable Classes of Graphs. [Bibtex]
Min Chih Lin, Michel J. Mizrahi and Jayme Szwarcfiter, \(O(n)\) Time Algorithms for Dominating Induced Matching Problems. [Bibtex]
Parinya Chalermsook, Bundit Laekhanukit and Danupon Nanongkai, Coloring Graph Powers: Graph Product Bounds and Hardness of Approximation. [Bibtex]
Marie Albenque and Kolja B. Knauer, Convexity in Partial Cubes: The Hull Number. [Bibtex]
Fabrício Benevides, Victor A. Campos, Mitre Costa Dourado, Simon Griffiths, Robert Morris, Leonardo Sampaio and Ana Silva, Connected Greedy Colourings. [Bibtex]
Julien Clément and Laura Giambruno, On the Number of Prefix and Border Tables. [Bibtex]
Elie de Panafieu, Danièle Gardy, Bernhard Gittenberger and Markus Kuba, Probabilities of 2-Xor Functions. [Bibtex]
Antoine Genitrini and Cécile Mailler, Equivalence Classes of Random Boolean Trees and Application to the Catalan Satisfiability Problem. [Bibtex]
Eyal Ackerman, Michelle M. Allen, Gill Barequet, Maarten Löffler, Joshua Mermelstein, Diane L. Souvaine and Csaba D. Tóth, The Flip Diameter of Rectangulations and Convex Subdivisions. [Bibtex]
Pawel Hitczenko and Svante Janson, Weighted Staircase Tableaux, Asymmetric Exclusion Process, and Eulerian Type Recurrences. [Bibtex]
Nicolas Basset, Counting and Generating Permutations Using Timed Languages. [Bibtex]
Lukas Barth, Sara Irina Fabrikant, Stephen G. Kobourov, Anna Lubiw, Martin Nöllenburg, Yoshio Okamoto, Sergey Pupyrev, Claudio Squarcella, Torsten Ueckerdt and Alexander Wolff, Semantic Word Cloud Representations: Hardness and Approximation Algorithms. [Bibtex]
Florent Foucaud and Reza Naserasr, The Complexity of Homomorphisms of Signed Graphs and Signed Constraint Satisfaction. [Bibtex]
Pavol Hell and Shenwei Huang, Complexity of Coloring Graphs without Paths and Cycles. [Bibtex]
Nikhil Bansal, Cyriel Rutten, Suzanne van der Ster, Tjark Vredeveld and Ruben van der Zwaan, Approximating Real-Time Scheduling on Identical Machines. [Bibtex]
Lehilton L. C. Pedrosa and Maxim Sviridenko, Integrated Supply Chain Management via Randomized Rounding. [Bibtex]
Mário César San Felice, David P. Williamson and Orlando Lee, The Online Connected Facility Location Problem. [Bibtex]
Amihood Amir, Jessica Ficler, Robert Krauthgamer, Liam Roditty and Oren Sar-Shalom, Multiply Balanced \(k\)-Partitioning. [Bibtex]
Matthias Poloczek, David P. Williamson and Anke van Zuylen, On Some Recent Approximation Algorithms for MAX SAT. [Bibtex]
Antonios Antoniadis, Neal Barcelo, Daniel Cole, Kyle Fox, Benjamin Moseley, Michael Nugent and Kirk Pruhs, Packet Forwarding Algorithms in a Line Network. [Bibtex]
Jurek Czyzowicz, Stefan Dobrev, Evangelos Kranakis and Eduardo Pacheco, Survivability of Swarms of Bouncing Robots. [Bibtex]
Kévin Perrot and Eric Rémila, Emergence of Wave Patterns on Kadanoff Sandpiles. [Bibtex]
Deepanjan Kesh and Shashank K. Mehta, A Divide and Conquer Method to Compute Binomial Ideals. [Bibtex]
Martin Fürer, How Fast Can We Multiply Large Integers on an Actual Computer. [Bibtex]
Carla Negri Lintzmayer and Zanoni Dias, Sorting Permutations by Prefix and Suffix Versions of Reversals and Transpositions. [Bibtex]
Anna Adamaszek and Alexandru Popa, Algorithmic and Hardness Results for the Colorful Components Problems. [Bibtex]
Josep Díaz, Ioannis Giotis, Lefteris M. Kirousis, Evangelos Markakis and Maria J. Serna, On the Stability of Generalized Second Price Auctions with Budgets. [Bibtex]
Cristina G. Fernandes and Rafael C. S. Schouery, Approximation Algorithms for the Max-Buying Problem with Limited Supply. [Bibtex]
Thibaut Horel, Stratis Ioannidis and S. Muthukrishnan, Budget Feasible Mechanisms for Experimental Design. [Bibtex]
Travis Gagie, Pawel Gawrychowski, Juha Kärkkäinen, Yakov Nekrich and Simon J. Puglisi, LZ77-Based Self-indexing with Faster Pattern Matching. [Bibtex]
Nikolett Bereczky, Amalia Duch, Krisztián Németh and Salvador Roura, Quad-K-d Trees. [Bibtex]
Prosenjit Bose, Rolf Fagerberg, John Howat and Pat Morin, Biased Predecessor Search. [Bibtex]
[All LATIN Papers]
[All LATIN Sponsors]
The conference was held in Montevideo, Uruguay, at the Four Points Sheraton.
Montevideo is the capital and largest city of Uruguay and the southernmost capital city in the Americas, Montevideo is situated in the southern coast of the country, on the northeastern bank of the Río de la Plata.
[All LATIN Locations]
[All LATIN Photos]
General: |
No. of submissions | 192 | |
No. of accepted papers | 65 | |
% of accepted papers | 33.9% | |
Total No. of authors | 210 | |
Avg. No. of authors per paper | 3.23 | |
No. of countries represented | 30 | |
No. of papers according to how many authors work in Latin-America |
At least one | 13 | (20.0%) |
All | 7 | (10.8%) |
* Authors with n affiliations contributes 1/n to each affiliation.
** Papers with n authors contribute 1/n to each affiliation.
* Authors with n affiliations contributes 1/n to each affiliation.
** Papers with n authors contribute 1/n to each affiliation.
Australia & Asia
Russia |
Pupyrev, Sergey;
Japan |
Ishii, Toshimasa;
Korman, Matias;
Lampis, Michael;
Mitsou, Valia;
Okamoto, Yoshio;
Ono, Hirotaka;
Uno, Yushi;
South Korea |
Ahn, Hee-Kap;
Bae, Sang-Won;
Kim, Sang-Sub;
New Zealand |
Shinn, Tong-Wook;
Takaoka, Tadao;
India |
Chakraborty, Sourav;
Kesh, Deepanjan;
Mehta, Shashank K.;
Pratap, Rameshwar;
Roy, Sasanka;
Greece |
Giotis, Ioannis;
Kirousis, Lefteris M.;
Markakis, Evangelos;
Netherlands |
Bansal, Nikhil;
Löffler, Maarten;
Mehrabi, Ali D.;
Rutten, Cyriel;
van der Ster, Suzanne;
van der Zwaan, Ruben;
Vredeveld, Tjark;
Germany |
Adamaszek, Anna;
Barth, Lukas;
Bekos, Michael A.;
Chalermsook, Parinya;
Diekert, Volker;
Duan, Ran;
Felsner, Stefan;
Gawrychowski, Pawel;
Kaufmann, Michael;
Kindermann, Philipp;
Klein, Rolf;
Nöllenburg, Martin;
Person, Yury;
Rey, Anja;
Rothe, Jörg;
Ueckerdt, Torsten;
Weiß, Armin;
Wolff, Alexander;
Hungary |
Bereczky, Nikolett;
Németh, Krisztián;
UK |
Allen, Peter;
Basset, Nicolas;
Böttcher, Julia;
Englert, Matthias;
Gasieniec, Leszek;
Matsakis, Nicolaos;
McDiarmid, Colin;
Sviridenko, Maxim;
Austria |
Gittenberger, Bernhard;
Kuba, Markus;
Switzerland |
Cheilaris, Panagiotis;
Fabrikant, Sara Irina;
Khramtcova, Elena;
Weller, Kerstin;
Denmark |
Fagerberg, Rolf;
Spain |
Díaz, Josep;
Duch, Amalia;
Foucaud, Florent;
Giotis, Ioannis;
Roura, Salvador;
Serna, Maria J.;
France |
Albenque, Marie;
Castelli Aleardi, Luca;
Clément, Julien;
de Panafieu, Elie;
Duchon, Philippe;
Duvignau, Romaric;
Feuilloley, Laurent;
Foucaud, Florent;
Fusy, Éric;
Gardy, Danièle;
Genitrini, Antoine;
Giambruno, Laura;
Horel, Thibaut;
Klasing, Ralf;
Klimann, Ines;
Knauer, Kolja B.;
Kosowski, Adrian;
Kostrygin, Anatolii;
Mailler, Cécile;
Naserasr, Reza;
Pajak, Dominik;
Perrot, Kévin;
Picantin, Matthieu;
Raynal, Michel;
Rémila, Eric;
Stainer, Julien;
Belgium |
Barba, Luis;
Langerman, Stefan;
Papadopoulou, Evanthia;
Italy |
Di Giacomo, Emilio;
Liotta, Giuseppe;
Montecchiani, Fabrizio;
Okamoto, Yoshio;
Squarcella, Claudio;
Finland |
Barash, Mikhail;
Gagie, Travis;
Kärkkäinen, Juha;
Okhotin, Alexander;
Puglisi, Simon J.;
Poland |
Dereniowski, Dariusz;
Mucha, Marcin;
Czech Republic |
Popa, Alexandru;
Slovakia |
Dobrev, Stefan;
Sweden |
Janson, Svante;
Levcopoulos, Christos;
Lingas, Andrzej;
Chile |
Correa, José R.;
Perrot, Kévin;
Soto, José A.;
Brazil |
Ayala-Rincón, Mauricio;
Benevides, Fabrício;
Campos, Victor A.;
de Alencar Hausen, Rodrigo;
De Campos Mesquita, Felipe;
de Figueiredo, Celina M. H.;
Dias, Zanoni;
Dourado, Mitre Costa;
Fernandes, Cristina G.;
Griffiths, Simon;
Haeusler, Edward Hermann;
Hán, Hiệp;
Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu;
Lee, Orlando;
Lintzmayer, Carla Negri;
Macêdo Filho, Hélio B.;
Machado, Raphael C. S.;
Morris, Robert;
Pedrosa, Lehilton L. C.;
Rodrigues Bueno, Letícia;
Sampaio, Leonardo;
San Felice, Mário César;
Schouery, Rafael C. S.;
Silva, Ana;
Szwarcfiter, Jayme;
Mexico |
Rajsbaum, Sergio;
Argentina |
Chih Lin, Min;
Mizrahi, Michel J.;
Middle East
USA & Canada
Allen, Michelle M.;
Antoniadis, Antonios;
Barcelo, Neal;
Cole, Daniel;
Farach-Colton, Martin;
Fox, Kyle;
Fürer, Martin;
Herlihy, Maurice;
Hitczenko, Pawel;
Ioannidis, Stratis;
Jawaherul Alam, Muhammad;
Kobourov, Stephen G.;
Mermelstein, Joshua;
Moseley, Benjamin;
Muthukrishnan, S.;
Myasnikov, Alexei G.;
Nanongkai, Danupon;
Nekrich, Yakov;
Nugent, Michael;
Poloczek, Matthias;
Pruhs, Kirk;
Pupyrev, Sergey;
Saraf, Shubhangi;
Song, Zhao;
Souvaine, Diane L.;
Tóth, Csaba D.;
Tsai, Meng-Tsung;
van Zuylen, Anke;
Wang, Haitao;
Williamson, David P.;
Canada |
Barba, Luis;
Bhattacharya, Binay K.;
Bose, Prosenjit;
Czyzowicz, Jurek;
Durocher, Stephane;
Fraser, Robert;
Hell, Pavol;
Howat, John;
Huang, Shenwei;
Kameda, Tsunehiko;
Kranakis, Evangelos;
Laekhanukit, Bundit;
Lubiw, Anna;
Mehrabi, Saeed;
Mondal, Debajyoti;
Morin, Pat;
Pacheco, Eduardo;
van Renssen, André;
[All LATIN Statistics]