Sergio Rajsbaum,
Compaq CRL/UNAM, USA/Mexico
[All LATIN Chairs]
Program Committee
Amihood Amir, Bar-Ilan Univ., Israel
Mauricio Ayala Rincón, Brazilia Univ., Brazil
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Univ. of Chile, Chile
Michael Bender, SUNY Stony Brook, USA
Leopoldo Bertossi, Carleton Univ., Canada
Allan Borodin, Univ. of Toronto, Canada
Bernard Chazelle, Princeton Univ., USA
Lenore Cowen, Tufts Univ., USA
Volker Diekert, Stuttgart, Germany
Javier Esparza, Univ. of Edimburgh, Scotland
Martin Farach-Colton, Rutgers Univ., USA
David Fernandez-Baca, Iowa State Univ., USA
Esteban Feuerstein, Univ. of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Juan Garay, Bell Labs, USA
Oscar H. Ibarra, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Marcos Kiwi, Univ. of Chile, Chile
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Univ. de São Paulo, Brasil
Elias Koutsoupias, UC Los Angeles, USA
Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton Univ., Canada
Daniel Leivant, Indiana Univ., USA
Alex Lopez-Ortiz, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada
Yoram Moses, Technion, Israel
Daniel Panario, Carleton Univ., Canada
Sergio Rajsbaum (Chair), Compaq CRL and UNAM, Mexico
Alex Russell, Univ. Connecticut, USA
Maria José Serna, Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Gadiel Seroussi, Hewlet Packard, USA
Igor Shparlinski, Macquarie Univ., Australia
Imre Simon, Univ. de São Paulo, Brasil
Janos Simon, Univ. of Chicago, USA
Organizing Committee
Edgar Chávez (chair),
Universidad Michoacana, México
Sergio Rajsbaum,
Compaq/UNAM, USA/México
[All LATIN Org. Committees]
Invited Speakers
Jennifer T. Chayes
(Microsoft Research), Phase Transitions in Computer Science
Phase transitions are familiar phenomena in physical systems. But they
also occur in many probabilistic and combinatorial models, including
random versions of some classic problems in theoretical computer
In this talk, I will discuss phase transitions in several systems,
including the random graph — a simple probabilistic model which
undergoes a critical transition from a disordered to an ordered phase;
k-satisfiability — a canonical model in theoretical computer science
which undergoes a transition from solvability to insolvability; and
optimum partitioning — a fundamental problem in combinatorial
optimization, which undergoes a transition from existence to
non-existence of a perfect optimizer.
Technically, phase transitions only occur in infinite
systems. However, real systems and the systems we simulate are large,
but finite. Hence the question of finite-size scaling: Namely, how
does the transition behavior emerge from the behavior of large, finite
systems? Results on the random graph, satisfiability and optimum
partitioning locate the critical windows of these transitions and
establish interesting features within these windows.
No knowledge of phase transitions will be assumed in this talk
Christos H. Papadimitriou
(U. California, Berkeley), The Internet, the Web, and Algorithms
The Internet and the worldwide web, unlike all other computational
artifacts, were not deliberately designed by a single entity, but
emerged from the complex interactions of many. As a result, they must
be approached very much the same way that cells, galaxies or markets
are studied in other sciences: By speculative (and falsifiable)
theories trying to explain how selfish algorithmic actions could have
led to what we observe. I present several instances of recent work on
this theme, with several collaborators
Joel Spencer
(Courant Institute), Erdős Magic
The Probabilistic Method is a lasting legacy of the late Paul Erdős.
We give two examples — both problems first formulated by
Erdős in the 1960s with new results in the last few years and
both with substantial open questions. Further in both examples we take
a Computer Science vantagepoint, creating a probabilistic algorithm to
create the object (coloring, packing respectively) and showing that
with positive probability the created object has the desired
Given \(m\) sets each of size \(n\) (with an arbitrary intersection pattern)
we want to color the underlying vertices Red and Blue so that no set
is monochromatic. Erdős showed this may always be done
if \(m< 2(n-1)\), we give a recent argument of Srinivasan and
Radhukrishnan that extends this to \(m < c 2n\sqrt{n/\ln n}\). One first
colors randomly and then recolors the blemishes with a clever random
sequential algorithm.
In a universe of size \(N\) we have a family of sets, each of size
\(k\), such that each vertex is in \(D\) sets and any two vertices
have only \(o(D)\) common sets. Asymptotics are for fixed \(k\) with
\(N,D\). We want an asymptotic packing, a subfamily of \(N/k\)
disjoint sets. Erdős and Hanani conjectured such a packing exists
(in an important special case of asymptotic designs) and this
conjecture was shown by Rödl. We give a simple proof of the
speaker that analyzes the random greedy algorithm.
Jorge Urrutia
(UNAM), Open Problems in Computational Geometry
In this paper we present a collection of problems which have defied
solution for some time. We hope that this paper will stimulate renewed
interest in these problems, leading to solutions to at least some of
Umesh V. Vazirani
(U. California, Berkeley), Quantum Algorithms
Quantum computers are the only model of computing to credibly violate
the modified Church-Turing thesis, which states that any reasonable
model of com-putation can be simulated by a probabilistic Turing
Machine with at most poly-nomial factor simulation overhead. This is
dramatically demonstrated by Shor’s polynomial time algorithms for
factorization and discrete logarithms [13]. Shor’s algorithm, as well as the earlier
algorithm due to Simon [12] can both be
cast into the general framework of the hidden subgroup problem (see
for example [10]). Two recent
papers [11], [9] study how well this framework extends to
solving the hidden subgroup problem for non-abelian groups (which
includes the graph iso-morphism problem).
Grigni, M., Schulman, S., Vazirani, M., Vazirani, U.. Quantum
Mechnical Algorithms for the Non beli n Hidden Subgroup Problem.
In: Proceedings of the Thirty-third Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory
of Computing Crete, Greece, 2001.
L. Hales and S. Hallgren. Quantum Fourier S mpling Simplified. In:
Proceedings of the Thirty-first Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of
Computing pages 330–338,Atlanta,Georgia, 1–4 May 1999.
Hallgren, S., Russell, A., T-Shma, A.. Normal subgroup reconstruction
and quantum computation using group representations. In: Proceedings
of the 32nd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing 627–635,
D. Simon. On the power of quantum computation. In: Proc. 35th
Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 1994.
Shor P. W.. Polynomial-time algorithms for prime factorization and
discrete alogarithms on a quantum computer. SIAM J. Comp., 26 No.5, pp
1484–1509, October 1997.
Mihalis Yannakakis
(Avaya Laboratories), Testing and Checking of Finite State Systems
Finite state machines have been used to model a wide variety of
systems, including sequential circuits, communication protocols, and
other types of reactive systems, i.e., systems that interact with
their environment. In testing problems we are given a system, which we
may test by providing inputs and observing the outputs produced.
The goal is to design test sequences so that we can deduce desired
information about the given system under test, such as whether it
implements correctly a given specification machine (conformance
testing), or whether it satisfies given requirement properties
(black-box checking).
In this talk we will review some of the theory and algorithms on basic
testing problems for systems modeled by different types of finite
state machines. Conformance testing of deterministic machines has been
investigated for a long time; we will discuss various efficient
methods. Testing of nondeterministic and probabilistic machines is
related to games with incomplete information and to partially
observable Markov decisions processes.
The verification of properties for finite state systems with a known
structure (i.e., “white box” checking) is known as the
model-checking problem, and has been thoroughly studied for many
years, yielding a rich theory, algorithms and tools. Black-box
checking, i.e., the verification of properties for systems with an
unknown structure, combines elements from model checking, conformance
testing and learning.
[All LATIN Inv. Speakers]
Jennifer Chayes, Phase Transitions in Computer Science. [Bibtex]
Christos Papadimitriou, The Internet, the Web, and Algorithms. [Bibtex]
Joel Spencer, Erdős Magic. [Bibtex]
Jorge Urrutia, Open Problems in Computational Geometry. [Bibtex]
Umesh V. Vazirani, Quantum Algorithms. [Bibtex]
Mihalis Yannakakis, Testing and Checking of Finite State Systems. [Bibtex]
Fabrizio Luccio and Linda Pagli, From Algorithms to Cryptography. [Bibtex]
Eric Goubault and Martin Raussen, Dihomotopy as a Tool in State Space Analysis. [Bibtex]
Abdullah N. Arslan and Ömer Egecioglu, Algorithms for Local Alignment with Length Constraints. [Bibtex]
Marília D. V. Braga and Joao Meidanis, An Algorithm That Builds a Set of Strings Given Its Overlap Graph. [Bibtex]
Christiane Frougny, Conversion between Two Multiplicatively Dependent Linear Numeration Systems. [Bibtex]
Sylvain Lombardy and Jacques Sakarovitch, Star Height of Reversible Languages and Universal Automata. [Bibtex]
Howard Straubing and Denis Thérien, Weakly Iterated Block Products of Finite Monoids. [Bibtex]
Maria Isabel Gonzalez Vasco, Mats Näslund and Igor Shparlinski, The Hidden Number Problem in Extension Fields and Its Applications. [Bibtex]
Theodoulos Garefalakis, The Generalized Weil Pairing and the Discrete Logarithm Problem on Elliptic Curves. [Bibtex]
Rod Canfield, Sylvie Corteel and Pawel Hitczenko, Random Partitions with Non Negative rth Differences. [Bibtex]
Frédérique Bassino, Beta-Expansions for Cubic Pisot Numbers. [Bibtex]
Prosenjit Bose and Qingda Wang, Facility Location Constrained to a Polygonal Domain. [Bibtex]
Hanno Lefmann and Niels Schmitt, A Deterministic Polynomial Time Algorithm for Heilbronn's Problem in Dimension Three. [Bibtex]
Edgar Chávez and Gonzalo Navarro, A Metric Index for Approximate String Matching. [Bibtex]
Wojciech Rytter, On Maximal Suffices and Constant-Space Linear-Time Versions of KMP Algorithm. [Bibtex]
Derek G. Corneil, Feodor F. Dragan and Ekkehard Köhler, On the Power of BFS to Determine a Graphs Diameter. [Bibtex]
Martín Matamala, Erich Prisner and Ivan Rapaport, \(k\)-pseudosnakes in Large Grids. [Bibtex]
Tiziana Calamoneri and Rossella Petreschi, \(L(2, 1)\)-Coloring Matrogenic Graphs. [Bibtex]
Ruy Luiz Milidiú, Artur Alves Pessoa and Eduardo Sany Laber, Pipeline Transportation of Petroleum Products with No Due Dates. [Bibtex]
Enrico Pontelli and Desh Ranjan, Ancestor Problems on Pure Pointer Machines. [Bibtex]
Renato Carmo, Jair Donadelli, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa and Eduardo Sany Laber, Searching in Random Partially Ordered Sets. [Bibtex]
Brett Stevens and Eric Mendelsohn, Packing Arrays. [Bibtex]
Michael Drmota and Wojciech Szpankowski, Generalized Shannon Code Minimizes the Maximal Redundancy. [Bibtex]
S. Muthukrishnan and Cenk Sahinalp, An Improved Algorithm for Sequence Comparison with Block Reversals. [Bibtex]
Blaise Genest and Anca Muscholl, Pattern Matching and Membership for Hierarchical Message Sequence Charts. [Bibtex]
Jianer Chen and Iyad Kanj, Improved Exact Algorithms for MAX-SAT. [Bibtex]
Steffen van Bakel and Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Characterising Strong Normalisation for Explicit Substitutions. [Bibtex]
Roel Bloo, Fairouz Kamareddine, Twan Laan and Rob Nederpelt, Parameters in Pure Type Systems. [Bibtex]
Rusins Freivalds and Carl H. Smith, Category, Measure, Inductive Inference: A Triality Theorem and Its Applications. [Bibtex]
Frédéric Herbreteau, Franck Cassez, Alain Finkel, Olivier Roux and Grégoire Sutre, Verification of Embedded Reactive Fiffo Systems. [Bibtex]
Alejandro Hevia and Marcos Kiwi, Electronic Jury Voting Protocols. [Bibtex]
Gonzalo Tornaría, Square Roots Modulo \(p\). [Bibtex]
Goran Konjevod, Soohyun Oh and Andréa W. Richa, Finding Most Sustainable Paths in Networks with Time-Dependent Edge Reliabilities. [Bibtex]
Jean-Christophe Dubacq and Véronique Terrier, Signals for Cellular Automata in Dimension 2 or Higher. [Bibtex]
Paolo Boldi and Sebastiano Vigna, Holographic Trees. [Bibtex]
Prosenjit Bose, Luc Devroye, William S. Evans and David G. Kirkpatrick, On the Spanning Ratio of Gabriel Graphs and \(\beta\)-skeletons. [Bibtex]
Hervé Brönnimann, John Iacono, Jyrki Katajainen, Pat Morin, Jason Morrison and Godfried T. Toussaint, In-Place Planar Convex Hull Algorithms. [Bibtex]
Michael A. Bender and Martin Farach-Colton, The Level Ancestor Problem Simplified. [Bibtex]
Claudson F. Bornstein and Santosh Vempala, Flow Metrics. [Bibtex]
Howard Straubing, On Logical Descriptions of Regular Languages. [Bibtex]
Mario Szegedy and Xiaomin Chen, Computing Boolean Functions from Multiple Faulty Copies of Input Bits. [Bibtex]
Magnús M. Halldórsson, Kazuo Iwama, Shuichi Miyazaki and Yasufumi Morita, Inapproximability Results on Stable Marriage Problems. [Bibtex]
Hadas Shachnai and Tami Tamir, Tight Bounds for Online Class-Constrained Packing. [Bibtex]
R. Sai Anand and Thomas Erlebach, On-line Algorithms for Edge-Disjoint Paths in Trees of Rings. [Bibtex]
James Abello, Mauricio G. C. Resende and Sandra Sudarsky, Massive Quasi-Clique Detection. [Bibtex]
Jochen Alber and Rolf Niedermeier, Improved Tree Decomposition Based Algorithms for Domination-like Problems. [Bibtex]
[All LATIN Papers]
[All LATIN Sponsors]
The conference was held at the
Oasis Hotel, Cancun, Mexico.
Cancun is located off the northeast point of Mexico's Yucatan
peninsula directly south of New Orleans, Louisiana, with unparalleled
natural attractions: powdery white sand and coral beaches, and
turquoise Caribbean waters. The average temperature in April is 26.7 C
(80.06 F). There are over two hundred restaurants offering Yucatan
specialties, Mexican and international food. It is easy to arrange
excursions to important archeological Maya sites such as Chichen-Itza,
Tulum, and Coba. There are direct flights and good air connections to
many cities in Mexico and abroad.
[All LATIN Locations]
[All LATIN Photos]
General: |
No. of submissions | 104 | |
No. of accepted papers | 46 | |
% of accepted papers | 44.2% | |
Total No. of authors | 108 | |
Avg. No. of authors per paper | 2.35 | |
No. of countries represented | 21 | |
No. of papers according to how many authors work in Latin-America |
At least one | 7 | (15.2%) |
All | 5 | (10.9%) |
* Authors with n affiliations contributes 1/n to each affiliation.
** Papers with n authors contribute 1/n to each affiliation.
* Authors with n affiliations contributes 1/n to each affiliation.
** Papers with n authors contribute 1/n to each affiliation.
Australia & Asia
Spain |
Gonzalez Vasco, Maria Isabel;
Denmark |
Katajainen, Jyrki;
Raussen, Martin;
Sweden |
Näslund, Mats;
Austria |
Drmota, Michael;
Switzerland |
Anand, R. Sai;
Erlebach, Thomas;
Iceland |
Halldórsson, Magnús M.;
Poland |
Rytter, Wojciech;
UK |
Garefalakis, Theodoulos;
Kamareddine, Fairouz;
Rytter, Wojciech;
van Bakel, Steffen;
Germany |
Alber, Jochen;
Köhler, Ekkehard;
Lefmann, Hanno;
Niedermeier, Rolf;
Prisner, Erich;
Schmitt, Niels;
France |
Bassino, Frédérique;
Cassez, Franck;
Corteel, Sylvie;
Dubacq, Jean-Christophe;
Finkel, Alain;
Frougny, Christiane;
Genest, Blaise;
Goubault, Eric;
Herbreteau, Frédéric;
Lombardy, Sylvain;
Muscholl, Anca;
Roux, Olivier;
Sakarovitch, Jacques;
Sutre, Grégoire;
Terrier, Véronique;
Netherlands |
Bloo, Roel;
Laan, Twan;
Nederpelt, Rob;
Latvia |
Freivalds, Rusins;
Italy |
Boldi, Paolo;
Calamoneri, Tiziana;
Dezani-Ciancaglini, Mariangiola;
Luccio, Fabrizio;
Pagli, Linda;
Petreschi, Rossella;
Vigna, Sebastiano;
Brazil |
Bornstein, Claudson F.;
Braga, Marília D. V.;
Carmo, Renato;
Donadelli, Jair;
Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu;
Laber, Eduardo Sany;
Meidanis, Joao;
Milidiú, Ruy Luiz;
Pessoa, Artur Alves;
Chile |
Hevia, Alejandro;
Kiwi, Marcos;
Matamala, Martín;
Navarro, Gonzalo;
Rapaport, Ivan;
Mexico |
Chávez, Edgar;
Middle East
USA & Canada
Canada |
Bose, Prosenjit;
Corneil, Derek G.;
Devroye, Luc;
Evans, William S.;
Kirkpatrick, David G.;
Mendelsohn, Eric;
Morin, Pat;
Morrison, Jason;
Stevens, Brett;
Thérien, Denis;
Toussaint, Godfried T.;
Wang, Qingda;
Abello, James;
Arslan, Abdullah N.;
Bender, Michael A.;
Brönnimann, Hervé;
Canfield, Rod;
Chen, Jianer;
Chen, Xiaomin;
Egecioglu, Ömer;
F. Dragan, Feodor;
Farach-Colton, Martin;
Hevia, Alejandro;
Hitczenko, Pawel;
Iacono, John;
Kanj, Iyad;
Konjevod, Goran;
Muthukrishnan, S.;
Oh, Soohyun;
Pontelli, Enrico;
Ranjan, Desh;
Resende, Mauricio G. C.;
Richa, Andréa W.;
Sahinalp, Cenk;
Shachnai, Hadas;
Smith, Carl H.;
Straubing, Howard;
Sudarsky, Sandra;
Sutre, Grégoire;
Szegedy, Mario;
Szpankowski, Wojciech;
Tornaría, Gonzalo;
Vempala, Santosh;
[All LATIN Statistics]